Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Simple, Yet Profound

Driving home yesterday I began to really ponder some of the questions and concerns of the day.  One of the comments yesterday that was a common thread throughout the day was “I don’t know what else to do.”  I hear it come out of my mouth more than I care to admit.  But through a series of conversations and some quiet time I wanted to share a simple but profound truth with you.  I didn't come up with this truth, though I would love to take credit. This truth is universal.  It doesn't matter what situation or circumstance in life or business you come up against, this truth will apply.   It is a simple truth to hear and understand, but it is a truth that has to be exercised daily.  Are you ready for it? 

Nothing in, Nothing out.

That’s it.  I told you it was simple.

Nothing in, nothing out.  Basically if you are always relying on what you already know, you never cross over into new ways of thinking or new ways of doing those things where you “don’t know what else to do.”   Yes, here comes the shameless plug for reading more books, because books do give you an opportunity to learn something new.  Sometimes it isn't even something new as much as it is a reinforcement to something that you already knew but had let slide.  It isn't just books though, it can be videos or webinars or mentors.  Sometimes it is talking to people in a completely different industry to pick up a different perspective.

Nothing in, nothing out.  If you don’t put gas in the car continually you will eventually run out and get stuck.  The same is true with leading.  If you don’t take time to fill that leadership tank, you will eventually run out of gas and get stuck.  What happens when you get stuck?   Usually you end up frustrated.  If you are stuck on the side of the road out of gas, you probably curse the car and the last person that should have filled the tank.  But reality is that person responsible for filling the tank is you. 

Are you frustrated?  Sounds like it is time to fill up again.  Nothing in, nothing out. 

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