Monday, April 1, 2013

Successful People Read

Reading is something that had you asked me ten years ago, I would have told you that "I'm done with school so why would I want to go and do something like that."  I am pretty sure that I am not alone in that sentiment.  You don't have to listen to very many conversations before you realize that most people put more importance on the latest and greatest television drama than on some old book.

The truth is that very few shows on television will go very far in improving your life from where you are right this moment.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy watching tv just like everyone else.  Sometimes just flipping your mind on auto-pilot and being entertained can do you some good.

Reading though, does so many wonderful things for you.  It can open new worlds to you.  It can bring new ideas to light or remind of us things once known but too quickly neglected or forgotten.  It can help a leader keep their edge.  It can help the professional continue to grow and improve.  Reading can provide the inspiration to strive to be a better person in all areas of life.

I have developed a love for reading.  That development process started several years ago when my boss recommended that not only I, but everyone in my company, should read a particular book.  Having worked for my present company for almost 12 years now,  I have heard my boss talk about the books he has read on many occasions.  I have seen his bookcase at work that is overflowing with business books.  I have sat through meetings where he did his best to convey the message of whatever book he was currently reading or had just finished.  

It took me a while to correlate his success as a business owner and a leader to those books he read and so passionately talked about.  It took me equally as long to correlate my lack of success to the simple fact that I wasn't reading.  Once my lightning quick mind made that connection between being successful and reading, I have done my best to grow my library. 

I really don't even recall at this point what book my boss even recommended for us all to read.  I can tell you this though.  It started a journey that I don't see ending anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love to read but I never connected it to being successful. However, now that you mention it, I see how the two can absolutely go hand in hand.
    Now that the wedding is over, I'm planning to dig into the book you loaned me. :)
